Friday, March 18, 2011

Folding mirror glass

So I was finally getting around to installing my power folding mirrors the other day, but when i unpacked them one of the mirror glass had broken during my move to florida. so after some cursing, and despair that i would never find replacements, i made a paper template and went down to the old junkyard to see if i could find something similar.

Lo and behold, the es300 glass is the exact fit. so no more worries about LHD/RHD wackiness. bonus heating elements too that i should be able to wire up in conjunction with the rear window defogger switch.

Not to shabby for $6

Reply 1 : Folding mirror glass

Nice find. Wish I had known this. I just bought a whole new mirror. Talk about hard to come by.

Reply 2 : Folding mirror glass

JELIOUS! how much did u pay for power folding?

Reply 3 : Folding mirror glass

I'll make a note of that. Thanks for the info!

Reply 4 : Folding mirror glass

Dont remember exactly. Shipping was killer (from New Zealand). I wanna say 140ish... PM Kiwi-Carolla if your interested. He may be able to get you one. I actually have 3 because I broke one of the mirrors but now that we know the es300 mirror fits Ill could sell you one for cheaper. I think I have an extra switch too but some of the paint is rubbed off.

edit: I havnt even installed mine yet. Thatll be a job for the spring...

Reply 5 : Folding mirror glass

Yeah ive been putting it off for like 2-3 years now...

I was lucky that the set i got included the relay/control box and most of the wiring harness. I did have to find a suitable switch that fit in the cutouts by the handbrake, which i got from a member in NZ.

Now i just need to stop being lazy and run all the wires...

Reply 6 : Folding mirror glass

I feel ya. I stopped by the junk yard today and got some extra mirror glass. I still need to find the time to paint my mirrors before I install them. I hope to have them on by spring time.

Reply 7 : Folding mirror glass

I thought they sold the mirror glass separately because I got mine new for $5. Great find though, lucky that you did.

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