Sunday, March 20, 2011

frame repair

HI guys...i got my 95 4runner here and its strickly a bush toy as i stated before....but when i got it the guy ditched it hard on the passenger side front bent the cross member right at the front going from each tow hook....and it bent as far back to the steering stabilizer mounting question is can i just cut both sides of the frame off as far back to the suspension{ifs} and just weld in square tubing......and drill holes for the steering gear box...body mounts...rad support...bla...bla.....just want to make sure i keep safety in mind as i will have my family in this toy with me at all times.....thanks

Reply 1 : frame repair


I would leave that one to the pros. Mainly because your family is involved. And you would also need a jig to keep the new frame straight when attaching the new members.

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