Wednesday, March 23, 2011

trailer wheels different than auto wheels

I have a deal on trailer but it has 15" wheels and my car has 13" wheels.

Will there be any problems towing ? I will place load further behind axle if that will decrease tongue weight. Is that a wise choice or no ? Any suggestions ?

Reply 1 : trailer wheels different than auto wheels

im not quite sure what your asking, if your wondering if having a 15 inch wheel on a trailer and only having 13 inch wheels on your car will cause problems, then the answer is no. As long as the angle of the trailer is near perpendicular to the ground then you'll be fine. But for warning if you load it down and make the ass of the car squat then your car will steer like poo because it will throw your caster angle all off. Personally I would never town a trailer behind a Corolla, most of them can barely get out of they're own way let alone pull extra weight.

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