Thursday, March 17, 2011

10th Gen Chat Thread

So we had the thread once before where we could post about any other subjects & it was merged with our "What did you do to your Corolla today" thread.


Now people don't have to pollute our Corolla thread with non-car topics.

Reply 1 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

man are you guys watching the giants vs the rangers? this baseball game is pretty intense

Reply 2 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

I keep looking at it. It looked the the Rangers could have been right back into the game with one more big hit. I'm not a Texas fan by any means but I hate the Giants as I'm a Dodger fan.

Reply 3 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

*CHANTS* BEAT LA. hahaha im sure this game will be close at the end.

Reply 4 : 10th Gen Chat Thread


Originally Posted by flamedrgn
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*CHANTS* BEAT LA. hahaha im sure this game will be close at the end.

I'm used to hearing that same chant when I go watch my Lakers play Portland. That's when it's even more fun when my team wins.

Reply 5 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

just started this a couple days ago, about 75% done now. i hope someone in here knows what this will be once im done with it

Reply 6 : 10th Gen Chat Thread


Sorta looks like some sort of helmet?

Reply 7 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

haha not quite.


Reply 8 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

too bad youre not making the big leds one or disco ball one. lol

Reply 9 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

actually, i am haha

Reply 10 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

some idiot commented on one of my 0-100 runs on youtube and asked me if my pedal got like did you not see me shifting through L 2 3 D? and then went on to a further explanation......I went on to a rant about how cars are catching on fire....airbag issues...and other recalls on other car makers....I really want to rant but I spreaded my ranting in several places lol

oh and those stupid "Car Hunters" spots on HGTV(yes I watch that channel) and they are always comparing Toyota vs. Honda vs. Chevy....and its like "this study was conducted by GFK an independent test group" or whatever and the person always picks the chevy when clearly they are completely retarded. And then its like at the end "you just shot a chevy commercial" now how is that a independent study?! wow soooo stupid and annoying.

thanks for reading sorry about the rant....just needed to vent rofl

Reply 11 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

Why did you buy an automatic to shift your own gears?

Reply 12 : 10th Gen Chat Thread


Originally Posted by Persian Scarface
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haha not quite.



Reply 13 : 10th Gen Chat Thread

and what is deadmau5?

Reply 14 : 10th Gen Chat Thread


Originally Posted by touringcamry
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Why did you buy an automatic to shift your own gears?

I never wanted a parents wanted the automatic even though its more expensive, uses slighly more gas, and less fun. they also know how to drive a stick and everyone in our family and extended family told them to buy me a 5spd because I would like it more but they didnt listen and now I hate the auto and I wish I could have spent that money on a sunroof instead but they are just that retarded....end of story

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