Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Manifold Gasket

I have a 1989 Toyota Camry (4 Cylinder) there is a very bad oil leak on the back side of the engine, passenger side, which I cannot locate. It looks like the leak is somewhere around the intake manifold where it mates with the engine. Is it a possibility that the leak is between the manifold and engine block and the intake manifold gasket needs to be changed? Also when the car is first started there is a small puff of blue smoke, which means oil is in the cylinder. Does this also point to the manifold gasket?

Thanks in advance for any help,


Reply 1 : Manifold Gasket

I feel like I saw a post just like this before in a previous thread.

Did you read through the "oil leaks" sticky in the how-to? They go through a bunch of different places it could leak.

As for your question, I think you're talking about the throttle body gasket, right? I don't think a bad gasket there could cause an oil leak since oil isn't flowing through that area. You should look through the how-to to get a better idea of places to look.

Reply 2 : Manifold Gasket

It is most likely the head gasket leak around oil return channels on the firewall side of the head

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