Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WD40 on steel or not?

With my 97 Camry, I'm starting to hate the hubcaps.

I know that behind them, the steel rims are dirty, and they probably have rust on them.

I heard WD40 can clean it as well as do damage to pads/rotors etc. but is this true?

What is the best way to clean and make the steel rim shiny? I'll be doing this when it's not so damn cold out.

Reply 1 : WD40 on steel or not?

If they are 13yr old wheels on a NY car, they likely look like something salvaged from a ship wreck by now. WD40, sprayed on a rag, will easily clean brake dust and grunge off the wheels. Pitted rust is a lot of work to remove. A new set of wally world wheel covers is one option. I rescued some Corolla steel wheels a while back. They were surface rusted. I used some rough steel wool which smoothed them right quick and followed with some satin black spray paint. Those wheels looked nice for years.

Reply 2 : WD40 on steel or not?

Well I just purchased some new wheel covers because I wanted something nicer looking but I didn't have the cash to fork over $400+ for rims. But I wanted to clean up whatever shows behind it before I put them on so it doesn't look like garbage.

I'll try the WD40 unless someone says otherwise.

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